I am not looking forward tomorrow. We will may have 6 or 8 inches of snow! I checked on the radar.
MAN!!! I don't know how the kids like to be outside in the snow!?! Freezing your butt off!
I remember back in my childhood, Dad took me and Nick to sled at Bunn Park. We walked across the park. The huge hills by Fox Bridge Street. I was excited!!
Dad told us to make sure we go down the right path do not go near those trees. Okay! at that age I didn't understand what my Dad was saying! DUH! I thought Nick would
handle that... I was in the back and he sat in front of me.. Dad pushed and we laughed and
laughed, suddenly we turned to the different direction, guess what right in front? The little tree. AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smash!! We got hurt badly. Dad was yelling and why we didnt' listen to him. I tried to tell him Dad, I can't hear! I thought Nick would handle it!! Dad will never understand how much my hearing lost at that age. DUH! Dad had to carry Nick and I walked back home!! It was a long way!
We had a lot of scratchs! LOL.. I never went back after that...
Every time, it is snowing and I drive by that same place, it brings back the memories. Oh yeah, is the Tree still there? Yes! Huge!